Regular Jobs allow Regulars to get a job and earn a salary in the form of an ERC20 token called Regular Dollars, or $REG. $REG tokens will be used to mint new world-building and artistic NFTs in the Regular World. Regular Jobs does 4 things:
Work for a company
Allows you name your Regular (on-chain)
Gives your Regular a job title
Gives your Regular a salary for the Regular ERC20 tokens
Regular Jobs is not:
A way to earn passive income through yield farming
Backed by any monetary value
Minting Regular Jobs
Regular Jobs is a free mint for all Regular holders. Jobs are a 1 for 1 mint, for each Regular held. Jobs are transferrable and re-assignable. There are some special Regular Jobs for Regulars with certain traits. Each Regular will only be able to mint 1 job. There will be a maximum of 10,000 Regular Jobs that correspond to the existing 10,000 Regulars. The mint will remain open indefinitely.
If you hold a Regular that has never minted a Regular Job before, you can claim your Regular Job here
Regular Jobs Utility
Having a Regular Job will allow you to name your Regular (on chain, costing gas). The name will appear on the Regular Job NFT with the picture of the Regular it is assigned to. Each Regular can only have 1 job at a time. Once your Regular is named, that name will follow the Regular and show up on any Job that your Regular has in the future. Trading the Job will not reset the name.
You will be able to trade Regular Jobs on secondary markets like Opensea, and upon transfer, they will become unassigned and appear blank. Unassigned Regular Jobs will carry their job title, salary, and seniority level to the next owner.
If you transfer your Regular Job before claiming the $REG salary, the salary will reset to 0 and you won't be able to claim it again.
You can claim your salary in $REG at any time. Claiming $REG will cost gas.
New NFTs in the Regulars universe will periodically be available in the Regular Store, mintable with Regular Dollars. These NFTs will be tradable on secondary markets like Opensea.
Last updated