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Regular Jobs are a separate, tradable NFT that you can use to earn an ERC20 token called “Regular Dollars” (ⓇREG).
Regular Jobs look like a regular ID card you might be issued as an employee.
Each Regular Job will allow you to name your Regular and earn a random salary in ⓇREG which you claim any time for a gas fee.
Each Regular Job will allow you to name your Regular and earn a salary in ⓇREG, which you claim any time for a gas-fee.
Regular Jobs are tradable on secondary markets, and you can reassign your Regular Job to a different Regular you own any time.
Regular Jobs will display the name of the Regular that is assigned to it, a random Job title, and 1 of 60 companies.
You can change the on-chain name displayed on your Jobs NFT at any time using the dashboard on regular.world.
Yes, but the name must be 24 characters or less and cannot contain numbers or symbols. The name cannot begin or end with a space, and double spaces are not allowed. Lastly, each name must be unique, you can’t use the same name that somebody else has used.
Regular Jobs are a separate, tradable NFT that you can use to earn an ERC20 token called “Regular Dollars” (ⓇREG). ⓇREG is capped at 100 million tokens.
ⓇREG is capped at 100 million tokens.
Jobs are free, but they will cost gas to mint. Your wallet must have a Regular in it to mint a Job. Visit regular.world with the wallet that holds your Regulars.
You can mint a maximum of 10 Jobs at a time. This limitation is on the front end only as a precaution against failed transactions. You are welcome to mint more jobs directly from the contract if you understand the risk and can navigate gas settings.
Your wallet must have a Regular in it to mint a Job.
There is an advanced option to mint directly from the contract if you do not have access to Regulars or if they are in cold storage.
This is a complex NFT and gas costs are higher than a minimal ERC721. Because of the complexity, a mint may fail if it uses the minimum amount of gas required by the network.
We suggest using MetaMask’s “Aggressive” gas setting, or using the “Site suggested” setting.
This is a free mint and we won’t be in a position to reimburse lost gas on failed transactions. To ensure your mint transactions don’t fail, we suggest using the Flashbots RPC network which guarantees your transaction will succeed or your transaction will be canceled at no cost. You can learn more about Flashbots RPC here: https://docs.flashbots.net/flashbots-protect/rpc/quick-start/
This is not an ERC721A so each mint will have a gas cost. Because each Regular is guaranteed a Job, there is no rush (other than to start earning ⓇREG) and we encourage everyone to wait until gas is low.
Jobs are free, but they will cost gas to mint.
You must own a Regular to mint a Job.
You can mint one Job for every Regular you hold.
Each Regular can mint one Job and they will not be allowed to mint more than one, even if the Regular is transferred to another wallet.
Yes, but the name must not contain numbers and must be 24 characters or less. The name also can’t begin or end with a space, and double spaces are not allowed. Lastly, each name must be unique, you can’t use the same name that somebody else has used.
We reserve the right to override a name and lock it in the event that the name violates terms and conditions on third party platforms.
From the moment you mint a Job, the Job will be assigned to the Regular you used to mint and you will be earning a salary.
You can reassign the Job to another Regular any time.
If you buy a Job on a secondary market, it will be “blank” and you will need to assign it a Regular before you can start earning a salary
Visit https://regular.world/dashboard and find the Regular with the Job you want to reassign. Click the ellipses (...) to show the “Reassign Job” option.
Yes, you can buy or sell Jobs on secondary markets and reassign to them other Regulars you own. If you sell a Job without claiming the ⓇREG token that has accumulated, it will be lost and reset to zero.
Be sure to claim your ⓇREG before selling the Job!
Yes. Upon transfer, you’ll have to reassign your Jobs to begin earning a salary
There is no official rarity ranking for Jobs.
Each company will have a limited number of Jobs, some more rare than others.
There is a salary bonus for owning multiple Regulars that work at the same company, which means that working in a rare Job might not be the best way to accumulate ⓇREG.
The Job will disconnect from your Regular and become “Blank” when it is transferred.
Seniority level ranges from 0 to 5 and each level increases your salary. Jobs are minted beginning at level 0 or level 1 seniority at random. There will be ways to increase your seniority level in the future.
You get a bonus for owning multiple Regulars in one company. For every 1% of the company you own, you will get a 10% bump in salary for those Regulars. For example, if company A has 100 employees, and you own 4 Regulars that work for company A, they will each receive a 40% salary boost.
ⓇREG, or Regular Dollars, is the ERC20 token which Regulars earn from their jobs in the form of a salary.
ⓇREG will begin to accumulate as soon as a Regular is assigned a job.
ⓇREG will need to be claimed in order to use it on regular.world.
ⓇREG is capped at 100 million tokens.
You can claim the ⓇREG your Regulars have earned within your dashboard on regular.world.
Claiming ⓇREG will require you to pay a gas fee.
The REG token is an ERC20 so you can use it like any other ERC20.
ⓇREG can be used to change your Regulars on-chain name.
We will be opening up a Regular Store where you will be able to purchase other NFT’s from the Regulars ecosystem.
Other opportunities will arise to earn more reg. The more working regulars you have, the more you will earn, and there are two bonus structures.
Seniority Bonus: Each Job has a “seniority level” and that will start as either 0 or 1. Higher seniority levels will earn a bonus btw 10% – 160%. The details of how to increase your seniority level have not been released.. and probably won’t be anytime soon.
Teamwork bonus: You get a bonus for owning multiple regs in one company. For every 1% of the company you own, you will get a 10% bump in salary for those regs.